For some time now, relatives from around the world have emailed with many comments, personal stories and information of their lineage links to the Seumanutafa family. This website has no interest in debating issues over rightful owners of titles or names or land rights. This website operates from the standpoint that 'We Are & We Are Here' and supports the sharing of family stories and information that promote a strong sense of family unity between the many family branches.
Here are a few comments from those who have forwarded emails:
Lawrence Livingstone .... I'm from Alaska ..., I never knew my father ...., but my mother told me he was from the Aati Seumanutafa family in Samoa. Thanks for linking back to my family.
Gina Mano ..... On a personal note, I would also like to thank you for letting us younger generation know where we are from so we can confidently walk in this world knowing where we are from and who we are.
Filifilituga Tualaulelei. I now live in Hawaii. Leiataua Loligi and Maina was close friends of my father and mom, Tualaulelei Stitone and my uncle Fala Tualaulelei. Thanks for setting up the blog to help me tell my children where I came from.
Fatima Findley. I came across your blog when I was googling my Grandfathers name. My Grandfather is Lima Osasa Seumanutafa. I really enjoyed reading your blog .....I didnt get the chance to meet my Grandfather, he passed before I was able to enjoy him.
Maina Ieremia ...., its Maina here, Ete's daughter ..., I stumbled onto the above website....and i just had to write you and say THANK YOU!!!
Take a look at some of the amazing websites of some of the other members of the extended family LIMA OSASA SEUMANUTAFA branch or the LIMA AATI SEUMANUTAFA family site. In fact this picture of who I believe is Siniva Williams and Lima Aati (Seumanutafa Loligi's younger brother) really took me by surprise. Many thanks to the Aati branch for posting this on their site.
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